Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Why did I opt for Laser Hair Removal?

Nearly every New Yorker has a horror story about hair removal –tales of wild waxing, scary salons or a razor gone rogue. However, we still keep going back to these options to get our fix of silky-smooth skin. Shaving, plucking or waxing - we think that these ouch-inducing choices are all we have.

With laser hair removal options near you, life is about to get a whole lot easier. The Goddess (or God) of hairlessness has blessed New York with laser hair removal centers just so that we can win the battle against body hair once and for all.

Nevertheless, why go for laser hair removal in Manhattan or New York when the area is dotted with salons promising you the desired results without opting for a ‘medical procedure.’

This is why-

Never having to wax again: After hundreds of hours of waxing sessions, we might argue that one becomes immune to the pain caused by ripping off your body hair from the roots! I can assure you otherwise from personal experience. Every salon in lower NYC will attest to my terrified face before the session; laser hair removal has freed me from ever feeling that again.

Goodbye razor bumps: I have, like many others, sensitive skin. This means that a shaving session always resulted in colossal discomfort in the form of razor bumps, scratches or even some scarring. Though I resorted to razor when I could not make time for that trip to the salon, the convenience never could outweigh the discomfort. Availability of laser hair removal salons in NYC was definitely my savior. No more skin dryness or breakages.

Hello better complexion: The dirty little secret of hair follicles is that it accumulates oil – causing the ever-ugly breakouts. Now that my dermatologist has systematically zapped hair follicles during our laser hair removal sessions in Manhattan, he has also destroyed the cool ‘hang-out spot’ for the oil. Result - no more pimples. That is what I call a win-win.  

One might argue the cost of laser hair removal is huge, but then again it is lesser compared to the numerous salon visits over time. While my NYC dermatologist touts the benefits of laser hair removal as a procedure with speed, precision, and predictability, I like to call it a high-tech method leaves one with fuzz-free skin.